Nexans TITANEX® PREMIUM 3G1.5 50m




  • Producto
    EN 50525-2-21; HD 22.4; IEC 60245-4 type 66; NF C32-102-4
  • Ensayo
    IEC 60332-1; NF C32-070


Nexans TITANEX® PREMIUM is a new H07RN-F cable with a wide  variety of properties. It is zero halogen and recommended for use in the case of fire risk. It also includes the properties of H07RN8-F cables for resistance to submersion (AD8), H07BN4-F cables for operating temperature (90°C), and H07BB-F cables for use in extreme cold conditions (down to -50°C).

Recommendations for use

The insulation and sheathing combinations result in excellent flexibility and good robustness, therefore the product is recommended for use in power cables for port cranes, mobile machines on public building sites, professional portable tools, refrigerating installations, long-term heavy-duty applications in port areas, on ships, offshore platforms…

Further applications include all public-facing facilities as well as buildings containing electronic equipment, central control rooms, airports, railway stations, road tunnels, lighting equipment, etc.


  • Use up to 1000V for fixed installations or power supply of motors
  • Resistance to submersion: AD8
  • Presence of corrosive or polluting substances: AF3
  • Resistance to impacts: AG2
  • Zero halogen (LSOH)
  • Flame retardant (NF C 32070 C2; IEC 60332-1)
  • Frequent bending: good
  • Oil resistance: good
  • Low temperature use limit: -50°C (static), -40°C (dynamic)
  1. Conductor : Flexible bare copper, class 5.
  2. Insulation : Special crosslinked elastomer (zero halogen LSOH)
  3. Outer sheath : Crosslinked elastomer with high mechanical properties (zero halogen LSOH)



This cable is designed for open air operation. In the event it should be buried, it should be mechanically protected in a duct or trough.

Bending radius

  • Dynamic use: 6-8 times the outer cable diameter.
  • Static use: 3 times the outer cable diameter if less than or equal to 12mm, 4 times if the diameter is more than 12mm.


Conductor marking/color code

  • 1 conductor = black
  • 2 conductors = brown + blue
  • 3 conductors = green/yellow + blue + brown (G)
  • 4 conductors = green/yellow + brown + black + grey
  • 5 conductors = green/yellow + blue + brown + black + grey
  • 5 conductors = 1 green/yellow + all others black (numbered)




Características de construcción

Características de construcción

Material del conductor
Cobre Clase 5
Elastómero sintético entrecruzado tipo EI 4 sumergible, EI 6, EI 7, EI 8
Cubierta exterior
Elastómero sintético entrecruzado tipo EI 4 sumergible, EI 6, EI 7, EI 8
Color de cubierta
Con conductor amarillo/verde
Con neutro de sección reducida
Flexibilidad del conductor
Flexible, Clase 5
Forma del conductor
Libre de halógenos

Características dimensionales

Características dimensionales

Número de conductores
Sección del conductor
1,5 mm²
Approximate net weight
134 kg/km
Diámetro exterior máximo
11,9 mm
Neutral conductor section (when smaller)
- mm²

Características eléctricas

Características eléctricas

Tensión nominal de servicio Uo/U
450/750 V
Caída de tensión, mono-fase
27,0 V/
Intensidad admisible al aire libre
- A
Permissible mobile installation current
22 A
Protected and fixed installation current
26 A

Características mecánicas

Características mecánicas

Resistencia mecánica a impactos
Flexibilidad del cable

Características de uso

Características de uso

Acorde con normativa RoHs
Factor de curvatura una vez instalado
3 (xD)
Factor dinámico de curvatura
8 (xD)
No propagación de la llama
NFC 32070 C2, IEC 60332-1-2
Resistencia a aceites
Temperatura máxima del conductor
90 °C
Temperatura máxima del conductor en corto-circuito
250 °C
Temperatura máxima operativa
85 °C
Temperatura mínima operativa
-50 °C



Selling & delivery Information


USE < 'HAR > H07RN-F nbr X (o G) S

X = sin verde/amarillo
G = con verde/amarillo
S = sección en mm² Marcaje métrico numerativo

Declaración de desempeño

  • Declaration of Performance n� : 1000432-FRBH
  • Certification Date : 15/3/22
  • AVCP (Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance) : System 3
  • Notified body : NB0081
  • Declared performance : Eca


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