ALSECURE® RZ1-K (AS), 4X6 mm²




  • Producto
    IEC 60502; UNE 21123
  • Ensayo
    EN 50265-2-1; EN 50267-2-2; EN 50268; IEC 60332-1; IEC 60332-3 Cat.C; IEC 60754-1; IEC 60754-2; IEC 61034


Installation in local of difficult ventilation, publics, evacuation itineraries, tunnels... 

Almost null toxicity. Provoked gases when burning almost transparent, facilitating evacuation.

Core colours

  • 1 core =  Black
  • 2 cores = Brown + Light blue
  • 3 cores = Brown + Black + Grey   or  Brown + Light blue + Green-Yellow
  • 4 cores = Brown + Black + Grey + Light blue or Green-Yellow
  • 5 cores = Brown + Black + Grey + Light blue + Black or Green-Yellow


ALSECURE ® Nexans RZ1 - K(AS) -0,6/1 KV - N (x or G) S mm² - Fab.Year- AENOR

  • N = number of cores
  • S = section in mm²
  • G = with Green-Yellow
  • x = without Green-Yellow

RZ1-K 4X



Características de construcción

Características de construcción

Color de cubierta
Material del conductor
Cobre electrolítico
Cubierta exterior
Extruded XLPE compound
Con conductor amarillo/verde
Con neutro de sección reducida
Flexibilidad del conductor
Flexible, Clase 5
Forma del conductor
Libre de halógenos
IEC 60754-1
Libre de plomo

Características dimensionales

Características dimensionales

Número de conductores
Sección del conductor
6 mm²
Diámetro exterior
14,7 mm
Neutral conductor section (when smaller)
- mm²
Peso aproximado
338 kg/km

Características eléctricas

Características eléctricas

Tensión nominal de servicio Uo/U
0,6/1 KV
Intensidad admisible al aire libre
- A
Intensidad admisible bajo tubo
- A
Resistencia máxima del conductor en CC a 20º C
- Ohm/km

Características de uso

Características de uso

Temperatura máxima del conductor
103 °C
No propagador del incendio
IEC 60332-3-24 (cat C)
No propagación de la llama
Corrosividad de los gases
IEC 60754-2
Densidad de los humos
IEC 61034
Resistencia a la intemperie



Current capacity table XLPE insulation multicore three phase

Sección del conductor A2 - Multi-core cable in conduit in a thermally insulated wall B2 - Multi-core cable in conduit on a wooden wall C - Single-core or multi-core cable on a wooden wall D1 - Single-core or Multi-core cable in ducts in the ground D2 - Single-core or Multi-core cables designed to be buried directly in the ground E - Multi-core cable in free air
mm² Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al
6.0 38.0 33.0 44.0 40.0 52.0 45.0 53.0 42.0 49.0 0.0 63.0 49.0

Current capacity table XLPE insulation single core three phase

Sección del conductor A1 - Insulated conductors in conduit in a thermally insulated wall B1 - Insulated conductors in conduit on a wooden wall C - Single-core or multi-core cable on a wooden wall D1 - Single-core or Multi-core cable in ducts in the ground D2 - Single-core or Multi-core cables designed to be buried directly in the ground F - Single-core flat cables, touching in free air Ft - Single-core trefoil cables, touching in free air G - Single-core horizontal spaced Gv - Single-core flat vertical spaced
mm² Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al
6.0 40.0 32.0 48.0 38.0 52.0 41.0 44.0 35.0 49.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Current capacity table XLPE insulation single core single phase

Sección del conductor A1 - Insulated conductors in conduit in a thermally insulated wall B1 - Insulated conductors in conduit on a wooden wall C - Single-core or multi-core cable on a wooden wall D1 - Single-core or Multi-core cable in ducts in the ground D2 - Single-core or Multi-core cables designed to be buried directly in the ground F - Single-core flat cables, touching in free air
mm² Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al
6.0 45.0 35.0 54.0 43.0 58.0 45.0 53.0 42.0 58.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Current capacity table XLPE insulation multicore single phase

Sección del conductor A2 - Multi-core cable in conduit in a thermally insulated wall B2 - Multi-core cable in conduit on a wooden wall C - Single-core or multi-core cable on a wooden wall D1 - Single-core or Multi-core cable in ducts in the ground D2 - Single-core or Multi-core cables designed to be buried directly in the ground E - Multi-core cable in free air
mm² Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al Cu Al
6.0 42.0 33.0 51.0 40.0 58.0 45.0 53.0 42.0 58.0 0.0 63.0 49.0


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