Fire : Costs and Consequencies

Opaque smoke and irritant gases are the main causes of death during a fire.
These fumes have the following characteristics :
- Heat : smoke and gases accelerate the spread of flames.
- Opacity : smoke impairs vision and hearing, which can disorientate people during evacuation.
- Movement : smoke spreads fires to other parts of the building.
- Flammability : smoke, which is made up of carbon and unburnt particles, acts as a fuel.
- Toxicity : inhalation of small amounts of acid gases can cause dizziness and respiratory distress, which has serious consequences on people's behaviour during evacuation.

Consequences of fire
Loss of life
Each year, countless human lives are lost or seriously put in danger as a result of fires in buildings.
- Economic costs
In addition to the loss of human lives, fires generate considerable economic losses (material damage, loss of business, insurance premiums, etc.)
Research has shown that cables make a significant contribution to ensuring circuit integrity, containing fire and reducing emissions of smoke, toxic gases and carbon monoxide. ___________________________________________
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